path: root/src/
diff options
authorCara Salter <>2022-07-09 18:54:49 -0400
committerCara Salter <>2022-07-09 18:54:49 -0400
commitf7aedd98bff7b208da8dd70917fcf57fc140f0b7 (patch)
tree235a8bfcd321cf203fee2f2a9c5449b6030d9fc1 /src/
parentd6ed1d4ad337a9e120e583fe91882b73e2e2d700 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 70fd438..1969398 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ use clap::Parser;
mod errors;
use errors::CliError;
use reqwest::header;
-use tabular::{row, Table};
use reqwest::{blocking::Client, StatusCode};
-use solarlib::planet::{Planet, Memory, CpuCount};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use solarlib::planet::{CpuCount, Memory, Planet};
use solarlib::star::NewPlanet;
-use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
+use tabular::{row, Table};
/// Manage solard and homeworld instances
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ struct Args {
server: String,
/// The action to be taken
- action: Action
+ action: Action,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ServerConfig {
- pub token: String
+ pub token: String,
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ enum Action {
uuid: String,
#[clap(long, short)]
- force: bool
+ force: bool,
Start {
/// The UUID of the machine to start
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ enum Action {
uuid: String,
#[clap(long, short)]
- force: bool
+ force: bool,
View {
- uuid: String
+ uuid: String,
- Create {
+ Create {
max_mem: u64,
max_cpus: u64,
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ enum Action {
name: String,
/// The Sha256 hash of the ship
- ship: String
+ ship: String,
/// Goes through the first-time authentication process to create a token that expires after one
/// year, storing it in the process.
Login {
- key: String
- }
+ key: String,
+ },
fn main() {
@@ -82,70 +82,79 @@ fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
let xdg_dirs = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("solarctl", args.server.clone()).unwrap();
- let mut headers = header::HeaderMap::new();
+ let mut headers = header::HeaderMap::new();
if let Some(p) = xdg_dirs.find_config_file("config.json") {
- let c = fs::read_to_string(p).unwrap();
+ let c = fs::read_to_string(p).unwrap();
if let Ok(cfg) = serde_json::from_str::<ServerConfig>(&c) {
- headers.insert(header::AUTHORIZATION, header::HeaderValue::from_str(&cfg.token).unwrap());
+ headers.insert(
+ header::HeaderValue::from_str(&cfg.token).unwrap(),
+ );
} else {
- println!("No config file found! You will need to authenticate with the `login` subcommand");
+ println!("No config file found! You will need to authenticate with the `login` subcommand");
- let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new().default_headers(headers).build().unwrap();
+ let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new()
+ .default_headers(headers)
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
let root = args.server.clone();
match args.action {
Action::List => {
list(args, client).unwrap();
- },
+ }
Action::Stop { uuid, force } => {
stop(root, client, uuid, force).unwrap();
- },
+ }
Action::Start { uuid } => {
start(root, client, uuid).unwrap();
- },
+ }
Action::Pause { uuid } => {
pause(root, client, uuid).unwrap();
- },
+ }
Action::Reboot { uuid, force } => {
reboot(root, client, uuid, force).unwrap();
Action::View { uuid } => {
view(root, uuid).unwrap();
- },
- Action::Create { max_mem, max_cpus, disk_size_mb, name, ship } => {
+ }
+ Action::Create {
+ max_mem,
+ max_cpus,
+ disk_size_mb,
+ name,
+ ship,
+ } => {
create(root, client, max_mem, max_cpus, disk_size_mb, name, ship).unwrap();
- },
+ }
Action::Login { key } => {
login(root, client, key);
fn list(a: Args, c: Client) -> Result<(), CliError> {
- let res: Vec<Planet> = c.get(format!("http://{}/planets/list", a.server)).send()?.json()?;
+ let res: Vec<Planet> = c
+ .get(format!("http://{}/planets/list", a.server))
+ .send()?
+ .json()?;
let mut table = Table::new("{:<} | {:<} | {:<} | {:<}");
- table.add_row(row!(
- "name", "uuid", "status", "running")
- );
- table.add_row(row!(
- "----", "----", "------", "-------")
- );
+ table.add_row(row!("name", "uuid", "status", "running"));
+ table.add_row(row!("----", "----", "------", "-------"));
for p in res {
- &,
- &p.uuid,
- &p.status,
- if p.orbiting { "yes" } else { "no" },
- ));
+ &,
+ &p.uuid,
+ &p.status,
+ if p.orbiting { "yes" } else { "no" },
+ ));
println!("{}", table);
@@ -163,40 +172,50 @@ fn stop(server: String, c: Client, u: String, f: bool) -> Result<(), CliError> {
match res.status() {
StatusCode::OK => {
- },
+ }
_ => {
return Err(CliError::Cli(format!("Could not stop VM: {}", res.text()?)));
- },
+ }
fn start(server: String, c: Client, u: String) -> Result<(), CliError> {
- let res =!("http://{}/planets/{}/start", server, u)).send()?;
+ let res = c
+ .post(format!("http://{}/planets/{}/start", server, u))
+ .send()?;
match res.status() {
StatusCode::OK => {
- },
+ }
_ => {
- return Err(CliError::Cli(format!("Could not start VM: {}", res.text()?)));
- },
+ return Err(CliError::Cli(format!(
+ "Could not start VM: {}",
+ res.text()?
+ )));
+ }
fn pause(server: String, c: Client, u: String) -> Result<(), CliError> {
- let res =!("http://{}/planets/{}/pause", server, u)).send()?;
+ let res = c
+ .post(format!("http://{}/planets/{}/pause", server, u))
+ .send()?;
match res.status() {
StatusCode::OK => {
- },
+ }
_ => {
- return Err(CliError::Cli(format!("Could not pause VM: {}", res.text()?)));
- },
+ return Err(CliError::Cli(format!(
+ "Could not pause VM: {}",
+ res.text()?
+ )));
+ }
@@ -212,10 +231,13 @@ fn reboot(server: String, c: Client, u: String, f: bool) -> Result<(), CliError>
match res.status() {
StatusCode::OK => {
- },
+ }
_ => {
- return Err(CliError::Cli(format!("Could not reboot VM: {}", res.text()?)));
- },
+ return Err(CliError::Cli(format!(
+ "Could not reboot VM: {}",
+ res.text()?
+ )));
+ }
@@ -229,14 +251,23 @@ fn view(server: String, u: String) -> Result<(), CliError> {
- .output() {
- println!("Could not run virt-viewer: {}", e);
- }
+ .output()
+ {
+ println!("Could not run virt-viewer: {}", e);
+ }
-fn create(s: String, c: Client, mem: u64, cpus: u64, disk_size: u64, name: String, ship: String) -> Result<(), CliError> {
+fn create(
+ s: String,
+ c: Client,
+ mem: u64,
+ cpus: u64,
+ disk_size: u64,
+ name: String,
+ ship: String,
+) -> Result<(), CliError> {
let url = format!("http://{}/planets/new", s);
let new_p: NewPlanet = NewPlanet {
@@ -244,7 +275,7 @@ fn create(s: String, c: Client, mem: u64, cpus: u64, disk_size: u64, name: Strin
disk_size_mb: disk_size,
max_mem: Memory(mem),
- max_cpus: CpuCount(cpus)
+ max_cpus: CpuCount(cpus),
println!("Creating new planet...");
@@ -256,9 +287,12 @@ fn create(s: String, c: Client, mem: u64, cpus: u64, disk_size: u64, name: Strin
let js: Planet = res.json()?;
println!("Created. UUID: {}", js.uuid);
- },
+ }
_ => {
- return Err(CliError::Cli(format!("Could not create VM: {}", res.text()?)));
+ return Err(CliError::Cli(format!(
+ "Could not create VM: {}",
+ res.text()?
+ )));
@@ -274,27 +308,24 @@ fn login(s: String, c: Client, k: String) -> Result<(), CliError> {
match res.status() {
StatusCode::OK => {
let token = res.text()?;
- let xdg_dirs = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("solarctl", s).unwrap();
- if let Some(p) = xdg_dirs.find_config_file("config.json") {
- let cfg = ServerConfig {
- token
- };
+ let xdg_dirs = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_profile("solarctl", s).unwrap();
- fs::write(p, serde_json::to_string_pretty(&cfg).unwrap()).unwrap();
+ if let Some(p) = xdg_dirs.find_config_file("config.json") {
+ let cfg = ServerConfig { token };
- } else {
- let p = xdg_dirs.place_config_file("config.json").unwrap();
- let cfg = ServerConfig {
- token
- };
+ fs::write(p, serde_json::to_string_pretty(&cfg).unwrap()).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ let p = xdg_dirs.place_config_file("config.json").unwrap();
+ let cfg = ServerConfig { token };
- fs::write(p, serde_json::to_string_pretty(&cfg).unwrap()).unwrap();
- }
- },
+ fs::write(p, serde_json::to_string_pretty(&cfg).unwrap()).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
_ => {
- return Err(CliError::Cli(format!("Could not authenticate: {}", res.text()?)));
+ return Err(CliError::Cli(format!(
+ "Could not authenticate: {}",
+ res.text()?
+ )));