diff options
authorCara Salter <cara@devcara.com>2023-02-16 13:44:11 -0500
committerCara Salter <cara@devcara.com>2023-10-30 14:32:00 -0400
commita84bb57691bc8b5ef7522acd087ff8d3d271ac90 (patch)
parent8678792e58cb4b3450240b7e226d300b7d7902bf (diff)
Update config installer
4 files changed, 1779 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/modpackman.py b/modpackman.py
index 802ba7a..180812f 100755
--- a/modpackman.py
+++ b/modpackman.py
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ def install():
mc_config_folder = os.path.join(config['pack']['location'], 'config')
if not os.path.exists(mc_config_folder):
- for cfg in os.listdir('config'):
- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join('config', cfg), os.path.join(mc_config_folder, cfg))
+ shutil.copytree('config/', mc_config_folder, dirs_exist_ok=True)
print("Finished installing mods!")
diff --git a/packs/142/config/AppliedEnergistics2/AppliedEnergistics2.cfg b/packs/142/config/AppliedEnergistics2/AppliedEnergistics2.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f5afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packs/142/config/AppliedEnergistics2/AppliedEnergistics2.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# Configuration file
+automation {
+ I:formationPlaneEntityLimit=128
+battery {
+ I:chargedStaff=8000
+ I:colorApplicator=20000
+ I:entropyManipulator=200000
+ I:matterCannon=200000
+ I:portableCell=20000
+ I:wirelessTerminal=1600000
+client {
+ # Possible Values: AE, EU, RF
+ S:PowerUnit=AE
+ # Possible Values: YES, NO, UNDECIDED
+ # Possible Values: TALL, FULL, SMALL
+ # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 9
+ I:craftAmtButton1=1
+ # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 99
+ I:craftAmtButton2=10
+ # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 999
+ I:craftAmtButton3=100
+ # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 9999
+ I:craftAmtButton4=1000
+ B:disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI=true
+ B:enableEffects=true
+ # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 9
+ I:levelAmtButton1=1
+ # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 99
+ I:levelAmtButton2=10
+ # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 999
+ I:levelAmtButton3=100
+ # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 9999
+ I:levelAmtButton4=1000
+ # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 9
+ I:priorityAmtButton1=1
+ # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 99
+ I:priorityAmtButton2=10
+ # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 999
+ I:priorityAmtButton3=100
+ # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 9999
+ I:priorityAmtButton4=1000
+ B:useColoredCraftingStatus=true
+ B:useTerminalUseLargeFont=false
+condenser {
+ I:MatterBalls=256
+ I:Singularity=256000
+craftingcpu {
+ I:craftingCalculationTimePerTick=5
+# features
+# Warning: Disabling a feature may disable other features depending on it.
+features {
+ world {
+ B:CertusOre=true
+ B:CertusQuartzWorldGen=true
+ B:ChargedCertusOre=true
+ B:ChestLoot=true
+ # Blocks that are not used in any essential recipes, also slabs and stairs.
+ B:DecorativeBlocks=true
+ B:DecorativeLights=true
+ B:Flour=true
+ B:MeteoriteWorldGen=true
+ B:SkyStoneChests=true
+ B:SpawnPressesInMeteorites=true
+ B:TinyTNT=true
+ B:VillagerTrading=true
+ }
+ machines {
+ B:Charger=true
+ B:CrystalGrowthAccelerator=true
+ B:GrindStone=true
+ B:Inscriber=true
+ B:VibrationChamber=true
+ }
+ toolsclassifications {
+ B:CertusQuartzTools=true
+ B:NetherQuartzTools=true
+ B:PoweredTools=true
+ }
+ tools {
+ B:ChargedStaff=true
+ B:ColorApplicator=true
+ B:EntropyManipulator=true
+ B:MatterCannon=true
+ B:MeteoriteCompass=true
+ B:PaintBalls=true
+ B:QuartzAxe=true
+ B:QuartzHoe=true
+ B:QuartzKnife=true
+ B:QuartzPickaxe=true
+ B:QuartzSpade=true
+ B:QuartzSword=true
+ B:QuartzWrench=true
+ B:WirelessAccessTerminal=true
+ }
+ networkfeatures {
+ B:Channels=true
+ B:QuantumNetworkBridge=true
+ B:Security=true
+ B:SpatialIO=true
+ }
+ networkbuses {
+ B:AnnihilationPlane=true
+ B:CableAnchor=true
+ B:CraftingTerminal=true
+ B:ExportBus=true
+ B:FluidAnnihilationPlane=true
+ B:FluidExportBus=true
+ B:FluidFormationPlane=true
+ B:FluidImportBus=true
+ B:FluidInterface=true
+ B:FluidLevelEmitter=true
+ B:FluidStorageBus=true
+ B:FluidTerminal=true
+ B:FormationPlane=true
+ B:IdentityAnnihilationPlane=true
+ B:ImportBus=true
+ B:Interface=true
+ B:LevelEmitter=true
+ B:P2PTunnel=true
+ B:Panels=true
+ B:PartConversionMonitor=true
+ B:QuartzFiber=true
+ B:StorageBus=true
+ B:StorageMonitor=true
+ B:Terminal=true
+ B:ToggleBus=true
+ }
+ portablecell {
+ B:PortableCell=true
+ }
+ storage {
+ B:Condenser=true
+ B:IOPort=true
+ B:MEChest=true
+ B:MEDrive=true
+ B:StorageCells=true
+ }
+ networktool {
+ B:MemoryCard=true
+ B:NetworkTool=true
+ }
+ cables {
+ B:CoveredCables=true
+ B:DenseCables=true
+ B:GlassCables=true
+ B:SmartCables=true
+ }
+ energy {
+ B:DenseEnergyCells=true
+ B:EnergyAcceptor=true
+ B:EnergyCells=true
+ }
+ p2ptunnels {
+ B:P2PTunnelEU=true
+ B:P2PTunnelFE=true
+ B:P2PTunnelFluids=true
+ B:P2PTunnelItems=true
+ B:P2PTunnelLight=true
+ B:P2PTunnelME=true
+ B:P2PTunnelOpenComputers=true
+ B:P2PTunnelPressure=true
+ B:P2PTunnelRedstone=true
+ }
+ blockfeatures {
+ B:MassCannonBlockDamage=true
+ B:TinyTNTBlockDamage=true
+ }
+ facades {
+ B:Facades=true
+ }
+ misc {
+ B:Achievements=true
+ B:CraftingLog=false
+ B:Creative=true
+ B:DebugLogging=false
+ B:GrinderLogging=false
+ B:IntegrationLogging=false
+ B:LightDetector=true
+ B:LogSecurityAudits=false
+ B:Logging=true
+ B:PacketLogging=false
+ B:UnsupportedDeveloperTools=false
+ B:UpdateLogging=false
+ B:WebsiteRecipes=false
+ }
+ crafting {
+ B:EnableDisassemblyCrafting=true
+ B:EnableFacadeCrafting=true
+ B:InWorldFluix=true
+ B:InWorldPurification=true
+ B:InWorldSingularity=true
+ B:InterfaceTerminal=true
+ }
+ rendering {
+ B:AlphaPass=true
+ }
+ craftingfeatures {
+ B:CraftingCPU=true
+ # Use CraftingManager to find an alternative recipe, after a pattern rejected an ingredient. Should be enabled to avoid issues, but can have a minor performance impact.
+ B:CraftingManagerFallback=true
+ B:MolecularAssembler=true
+ B:Patterns=true
+ }
+ upgrades {
+ B:AdvancedCards=true
+ B:BasicCards=true
+ B:ViewCell=true
+ }
+ materials {
+ B:Certus=true
+ B:CrystalSeeds=true
+ B:Dusts=true
+ B:Fluix=true
+ B:Nuggets=true
+ B:PureCrystals=true
+ B:QuartzGlass=true
+ B:Silicon=true
+ B:SkyStone=true
+ }
+ craftingcomponents {
+ B:Cores=true
+ B:MatterBall=true
+ B:Presses=true
+ B:PrintedCircuits=true
+ B:Processors=true
+ }
+ commands {
+ B:ChunkLoggerTrace=false
+ }
+general {
+ # Will auto-remove items that crash when being loaded from storage. This will destroy those items instead of crashing the game!
+ B:removeCrashingItemsOnLoad=false
+# grindstone
+# Creates recipe of the following pattern automatically: '1 oreTYPE => 2 dustTYPE' and '(1 ingotTYPE or 1 crystalTYPE or 1 gemTYPE) => 1 dustTYPE'
+grindstone {
+ # Blacklists the exact oredict name from being handled by any recipe.
+ S:blacklist <
+ >
+ # The list of types to handle. Specify without a prefix like ore or dust.
+ S:grinderOres <
+ Obsidian
+ Ender
+ EnderPearl
+ Coal
+ Iron
+ Gold
+ Charcoal
+ NetherQuartz
+ CertusQuartz
+ Wheat
+ Fluix
+ Copper
+ Tin
+ Silver
+ Lead
+ Bronze
+ Brass
+ Platinum
+ Nickel
+ Invar
+ Aluminium
+ Electrum
+ Osmium
+ Zinc
+ >
+ # Chance to actually get an output with stacksize > 1.
+ D:oreDoublePercentage=90.0
+# modintegration
+# Valid Values are 'AUTO', 'ON', or 'OFF' - defaults to 'AUTO' ; Suggested that you leave this alone unless your experiencing an issue, or wish to disable the integration for a reason.
+modintegration {
+ S:CraftTweaker=AUTO
+ S:IndustrialCraft2=AUTO
+ S:InventoryTweaks=AUTO
+ S:JustEnoughItems=AUTO
+ S:Mekanism=AUTO
+ S:MineFactoryReloaded=AUTO
+ S:OpenComputers=AUTO
+ S:Railcraft=AUTO
+ S:Tesla=AUTO
+ S:TheOneProbe=AUTO
+ S:Waila=AUTO
+powerratios {
+ D:ForgeEnergy=0.5
+ D:IC2=2.0
+ D:UsageMultiplier=1.0
+spatialio {
+ D:spatialPowerExponent=1.35
+ D:spatialPowerMultiplier=1250.0
+ I:storageDimensionID=2
+ I:storageProviderID=-11
+# tickrates
+# Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.
+tickrates {
+ I:AnnihilationPlane.max=120
+ I:AnnihilationPlane.min=2
+ I:Charger.max=120
+ I:Charger.min=10
+ I:ExportBus.max=60
+ I:ExportBus.min=5
+ I:FluidExportBus.max=60
+ I:FluidExportBus.min=5
+ I:FluidImportBus.max=40
+ I:FluidImportBus.min=5
+ I:FluidStorageBus.max=60
+ I:FluidStorageBus.min=5
+ I:IOPort.max=5
+ I:IOPort.min=1
+ I:ImportBus.max=40
+ I:ImportBus.min=5
+ I:Inscriber.max=1
+ I:Inscriber.min=1
+ I:Interface.max=120
+ I:Interface.min=5
+ I:ItemTunnel.max=60
+ I:ItemTunnel.min=5
+ I:LightTunnel.max=60
+ I:LightTunnel.min=5
+ I:METunnel.max=20
+ I:METunnel.min=5
+ I:OpenComputersTunnel.max=5
+ I:OpenComputersTunnel.min=1
+ I:PressureTunnel.max=120
+ I:PressureTunnel.min=1
+ I:StorageBus.max=60
+ I:StorageBus.min=5
+ I:VibrationChamber.max=40
+ I:VibrationChamber.min=10
+# wireless
+# Range= wirelessBaseRange + wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, wirelessBoosterExp )
+# PowerDrain= wirelessBaseCost + wirelessCostMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, 1 + boosters / wirelessHighWirelessCount )
+wireless {
+ D:wirelessBaseCost=8.0
+ D:wirelessBaseRange=16.0
+ D:wirelessBoosterExp=1.5
+ D:wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier=1.0
+ D:wirelessCostMultiplier=1.0
+ D:wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier=1.0
+worldgen {
+ D:meteoriteClusterChance=0.4
+ I:meteoriteDimensionWhitelist <
+ 0
+ >
+ I:meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight=180
+ I:minMeteoriteDistance=707
+ I:quartzOresClusterAmount=15
+ I:quartzOresPerCluster=4
+ D:spawnChargedChance=0.07999998331069946
diff --git a/packs/142/config/warpdrive/config.yml b/packs/142/config/warpdrive/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e2c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packs/142/config/warpdrive/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+# Configuration file
+accelerator {
+ # Enable accelerator blocks. Requires a compatible server, as it won't work in single player
+ B:enable=true
+ # Maximum number of particle bunches per accelerator controller
+ I:max_particle_bunches=20
+breathing {
+ # Update speed of air generation
+ I:air_generation_interval_ticks=40
+ # Maximum range of an air generator for each tier, measured in block
+ I:air_generation_range_blocks <
+ 200
+ 16
+ 48
+ 144
+ >
+ # Duration of a single breath cycle measured in ticks.
+ I:air_tank_breath_duration_ticks=300
+ # Number of breaths cycles available in a air tank, by tier (canister, normal, advanced, superior).
+ I:air_tank_capacity_by_tier <
+ 20
+ 32
+ 64
+ 128
+ >
+ # Spam creative players with air status around them, use at your own risk.
+ B:enable_air_at_entity_debug=false
+ # Energy cost per air canister refilled
+ I:energy_per_canister=200
+ # Energy cost to sustain air distribution per open side per interval
+ I:energy_per_existing_air_block_by_tier <
+ 0
+ 4
+ 60
+ 870
+ >
+ # Energy cost to start air distribution per open side per interval for a given tier
+ I:energy_per_new_air_block_by_tier <
+ 0
+ 12
+ 180
+ 2610
+ >
+ # Maximum energy stored for a given tier
+ I:max_energy_stored_by_tier <
+ 0
+ 1400
+ 21000
+ 304500
+ >
+ # Minimum delay between consecutive air propagation updates of the same block.
+ I:simulation_delay_ticks=30
+ # Maximum depth of blocks to update when a volume has changed.
+ # Higher values may cause TPS lag spikes, Lower values will exponentially increase the repressurization time
+ I:volume_update_depth_blocks=256
+capacitor {
+ # Energy transfer efficiency for each upgrade apply, first value is without upgrades (0.8 means 20% loss)
+ D:efficiency_per_upgrade <
+ 0.95
+ 0.98
+ 1.0
+ >
+ # Flux energy transferred per tick for each subspace capacitor tier
+ I:flux_rate_input_per_tick_by_tier <
+ 1073741823
+ 800
+ 4000
+ 20000
+ >
+ # Flux energy transferred per tick for each subspace capacitor tier
+ I:flux_rate_output_per_tick_by_tier <
+ 1073741823
+ 800
+ 4000
+ 20000
+ >
+ # IC2 energy sink tier (ULV, LV, MV, HV, EV, IV, LuV, ZPMV, UV, MaxV) for each subspace capacitor tier
+ S:ic2_sink_tier_name_by_tier <
+ MaxV
+ MV
+ HV
+ EV
+ >
+ # IC2 energy source tier (ULV, LV, MV, HV, EV, IV, LuV, ZPMV, UV, MaxV) for each subspace capacitor tier
+ S:ic2_source_tier_name_by_tier <
+ MaxV
+ MV
+ HV
+ EV
+ >
+ # Maximum energy stored for each subspace capacitor tier
+ I:max_energy_stored_by_tier <
+ 20000000
+ 800000
+ 4000000
+ 20000000
+ >
+chunk_loader {
+ # Energy consumed per chunk loaded
+ I:energy_per_chunk=8
+ # Maximum energy stored
+ I:max_energy_stored=1000000
+ # Maximum radius when loading a square shape, measured in chunks. A linear shape can be up to 1 chunk wide by (radius + 1 + radius) ^ 2 chunks long.
+ I:max_radius=2
+client {
+ # Force rendering the breathing overlay to compensate HUD modifications
+ B:breathing_overlay_forced=true
+ # Hexadecimal color code for location background (0xAARRGGBB where AA is alpha, RR is Red, GG is Green and BB is Blue component)
+ S:location_background_color=0x40303030
+ # Shadow casting option for current celestial object name
+ B:location_has_shadow=true
+ # Prefix for location name, useful to add formatting
+ S:location_name_prefix=§l
+ # Horizontal offset on screen, increase to move to the right
+ I:location_offset_x=0
+ # Vertical offset on screen, increase to move down
+ I:location_offset_y=-20
+ # Scale for location text font
+ D:location_scale=1.0
+ S:location_screen_alignment=MIDDLE_RIGHT
+ S:location_text_alignment=TOP_RIGHT
+ # Hexadecimal color code for location foreground (0xAARRGGBB where AA is alpha, RR is Red, GG is Green and BB is Blue component)
+ S:location_text_color=0xE6B4B4F0
+ # Text width as a minimum 'pixel' count
+ I:location_width_min=90
+ # Text width as a ratio of full screen width
+ D:location_width_ratio=0.0
+cloaking {
+ # Extra blocks covered after the outer coils
+ I:coil_capture_blocks=5
+ # Maximum energy stored
+ I:max_energy_stored=500000000
+ # Maximum distance between cloaking core and any cloaked side
+ I:max_field_radius=63
+ # Energy cost per non-air block in a Tier1 cloak
+ I:tier1_energy_per_block=32
+ # Update speed of a Tier1 cloak
+ I:tier1_field_refresh_interval_ticks=60
+ # Energy cost per non-air block in a Tier2 cloak
+ I:tier2_energy_per_block=128
+ # Update speed of a Tier2 cloak
+ I:tier2_field_refresh_interval_ticks=30
+ # Cloak volume won't be refreshed unless it's older than that many seconds
+ I:volume_scan_age_tolerance=120
+ # Number of blocks to scan per tick when getting cloak bounds, too high will cause lag spikes when resizing a cloak
+ I:volume_scan_blocks_per_tick=1000
+enantiomorphic_reactor {
+ # Maximum energy stored in the core for a given tier
+ I:max_energy_stored_by_tier <
+ 100000000
+ 100000000
+ 500000000
+ 2000000000
+ >
+ # Maximum energy added to the core when enabled, measured in RF/t, for a given tier
+ I:max_generation_RF_by_tier <
+ 64000
+ 64000
+ 192000
+ 576000
+ >
+ # Maximum number of stabilisation laser shots per seconds before loosing efficiency
+ I:max_lasers <
+ 64
+ 6
+ 12
+ 24
+ >
+ # Minimum energy added to the core when enabled, measured in RF/t, for a given tier
+ I:min_generation_RF_by_tier <
+ 4
+ 4
+ 4
+ 4
+ >
+energy {
+ # display units for energy (EU, RF, FE, ȰI)
+ S:display_units=FE
+ # Enable Forge energy support, disable it for a pure EU or RF energy support
+ B:enable_FE=true
+ # Enable Gregtech EU energy support when the GregtechCE mod is present, disable otherwise
+ B:enable_GTCE_EU=true
+ # Enable IC2 EU energy support when the IndustrialCraft2 mod is present, disable otherwise
+ B:enable_IC2_EU=true
+ # Enable RF energy support when the RedstoneFlux mod is present, disable otherwise
+ B:enable_RF=true
+ # Explosion strength factor in case of EU voltage overload, set to 0 to disable completely
+ D:overvoltage_explosion_factor=1.0
+ # Shock damage factor to entities in case of EU voltage overload, set to 0 to disable completely
+ D:overvoltage_shock_factor=1.0
+ # delay between scan for energy receivers (measured in ticks)
+ I:scan_interval_ticks=20
+force_field {
+ # Maximum strength for vanilla explosion object used by simple explosives like TechGuns rockets.
+ D:explosion_strength_vanilla_cap=15.0
+ # Scale applied to explosion strength, increase the value to reduce explosion impact on a force field. Enable weapon logs to see the damage level.
+ D:projector_explosion_scale=1000.0
+ # Maximum energy stored for each projector tier
+ I:projector_max_energy_stored_by_tier <
+ 20000000
+ 30000
+ 90000
+ 150000
+ >
+ # Number of maxed out laser cannons required to break a superior force field.
+ D:projector_max_laser_required=10.0
+general {
+ # Reaction delay when updating blocks in an assembly (measured in seconds)
+ I:assembly_scanning_interval=10
+ # Maximum allowed blast resistance for non-hull, breakable blocks from other mods. Required to fix non-sense scaling in modded fluids, etc. Default is basic hull resistance (60).
+ D:blast_resistance_cap=60.0
+ # Number of blocks to move per ticks, too high will cause lag spikes on ship jumping or deployment, too low may break the ship wirings
+ I:blocks_per_tick=3500
+ # Enable experimental refresh during jump to prevent duping, use at your own risk
+ B:enable_experimental_refresh=false
+ # Enable experimental tile entity unloading during jump to force a cleanup, required for IC2 Classic, may cause issues with other mods
+ B:enable_experimental_unload=true
+ # Enable fast blockstate placement, skipping light computation. Disable if you have world implementations conflicts
+ B:enable_fast_set_blockstate=false
+ # Enable automatic configuration of Forge's ChunkManager for WarpDrive. Disable to control manually WarpDrive specific settings.
+ B:enable_forge_chunk_manager=true
+ # Enable area protection checks from other mods or plugins, disable if you use the event system exclusively
+ B:enable_protection_checks=true
+ # Disable to boot the game even when celestial objects are invalid. Use at your own risk!
+ B:enforce_valid_celestial_objects=true
+ # Entity NPC ID
+ I:entity_NPC_id=246
+ # Entity camera ID
+ I:entity_camera_id=243
+ # Entity laser exploder ID
+ I:entity_laser_exploder_id=245
+ # Entity offline avatar ID
+ I:entity_offline_avatar_id=247
+ # Entity particle bunch ID
+ I:entity_particle_bunch_id=244
+ # Entity seat ID
+ I:entity_seat_id=248
+ # Entity sphere generator ID
+ I:entity_sphere_generator_id=241
+ # Entity star core ID
+ I:entity_star_core_id=242
+ # Hyperspace dimension provider ID
+ I:hyperspace_provider_id=15
+ # LUA scripts to load when connecting machines: 0 = none, 1 = templates in a subfolder, 2 = ready to roll (templates are still provided)
+ I:lua_scripts=2
+ # Enforce a minimum value for Forge's dimensionUnloadQueueDelay to fix various dimension transition issues from unloading the world too soon (set below 100 at your own risk)
+ I:minimum_dimension_unload_queue_delay_ticks=100
+ # Complex computation delay in an assembly (measured in ticks)
+ I:parameters_update_interval=20
+ # Registration period for an assembly (measured in seconds)
+ I:registry_update_interval=10
+ # Root folder where to load and save ship schematics
+ S:schematics_location=warpDrive_schematics
+ # Space biome ID
+ I:space_biome_id=95
+ # Space dimension provider ID
+ I:space_provider_id=14
+ic2_reactor_laser {
+ # Maximum component heat added to the focus every reactor tick
+ I:component_heat_transfer_per_tick=54
+ # Update speed of the check for reactors to cool down. Use 10 to tick as fast as the reactor simulation
+ I:cooling_interval_ticks=10
+ # Heat extracted from the focus by interval
+ I:cooling_per_interval=1080
+ # Energy cost per heat absorbed
+ D:energy_per_heat=2.0
+ # Maximum heat transferred between 2 connected focus every reactor tick
+ I:focus_heat_transfer_per_tick=648
+ # Maximum heat stored in the focus
+ I:max_heat_stored=30000
+ # Maximum reactor heat added to the focus every reactor tick
+ I:reactor_heat_transfer_per_tick=54
+jump_gate {
+ # Maximum jump gate size on each axis in blocks, for a given tier
+ I:size_max_per_side_by_tier <
+ 127
+ 32
+ 64
+ 127
+ >
+laser_cannon {
+ # Maximum probability of energy absorption (i.e. block not breaking)
+ D:block_hit_absorption_max=0.8
+ # Probability of energy absorption (i.e. block not breaking) per block hardness. Set to 1.0 to always break the block.
+ D:block_hit_absorption_per_block_hardness=0.01
+ # Maximum energy required for breaking a block
+ I:block_hit_energy_max=750000
+ # Minimum energy required for breaking a block
+ I:block_hit_energy_min=75000
+ # Energy cost per block hardness for breaking a block
+ I:block_hit_energy_per_block_hardness=150000
+ # Explosion base strength, 4 is Vanilla TNT
+ D:block_hit_explosion_base_strength=8.0
+ # Energy per added explosion strength
+ I:block_hit_explosion_energy_per_strength=125000
+ # Minimum block hardness required to cause an explosion
+ D:block_hit_explosion_hardness_threshold=5.0
+ # Maximum explosion strength, set to 0 to disable explosion completely
+ D:block_hit_explosion_max_strength=50.0
+ # Energy factor applied from boosting to main laser
+ D:booster_beam_energy_efficiency=0.6
+ # Delay while booster beams are accepted, before actually shooting
+ I:emit_fire_delay_ticks=5
+ # Delay while booster beams are accepted, before actually scanning
+ I:emit_scan_delay_ticks=1
+ # Energy attenuation when going through air blocks (on a planet or any gas in space)
+ D:energy_attenuation_per_air_block=2.0E-4
+ # Energy attenuation when going through a broken block
+ D:energy_attenuation_per_broken_block=0.23
+ # Energy attenuation when going through void blocks (in space or hyperspace)
+ D:energy_attenuation_per_void_block=5.0E-6
+ # Minimum damage to entity hit (measured in half hearts)
+ I:entity_hit_base_damage=3
+ # Base energy consumed from hitting an entity
+ I:entity_hit_energy=15000
+ # Energy required by additional hit point (won't be consumed)
+ I:entity_hit_energy_per_damage=30000
+ # Minimum energy to cause explosion effect
+ I:entity_hit_energy_threshold_for_explosion=900000
+ # Explosion base strength, 4 is Vanilla TNT
+ D:entity_hit_explosion_base_strength=4.0
+ # Energy per added explosion strength
+ I:entity_hit_explosion_energy_per_strength=125000
+ # Maximum explosion strength, set to 0 to disable explosion completely
+ D:entity_hit_explosion_max_strength=4.0
+ # Maximum damage to entity hit, set to 0 to disable damage completely
+ I:entity_hit_max_damage=100
+ # Duration of fire effect on entity hit (in seconds)
+ I:entity_hit_set_on_fire_seconds=20
+ # Maximum energy in beam after accounting for boosters beams
+ I:max_laser_energy=3400000
+ # Maximum number of laser mediums per laser
+ I:max_mediums_count=10
+ # Maximum distance travelled
+ I:range_max=500
+laser_medium {
+ # Bonus multiplier of a laser medium line for a given tier
+ D:bonus_factor_by_tier <
+ 1.25
+ 0.5
+ 1.0
+ 1.5
+ >
+ # Maximum energy stored for a given tier
+ I:max_energy_stored_by_tier <
+ 1000000
+ 10000
+ 30000
+ 100000
+ >
+lift {
+ # Energy consumed per entity moved
+ I:energy_per_entity=150
+ # Cooldown after moving an entity
+ I:entity_cooldown_ticks=40
+ # Maximum energy stored
+ I:max_energy_stored=900
+ # Update speed of the check for entities
+ I:update_interval_ticks=10
+logging {
+ # Detailed LUA logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_LUA_logs=false
+ # Save XML preprocessor results as output*.xml file, enable it to debug your XML configuration files
+ B:enable_XML_preprocessor_logs=false
+ # Detailed accelerator logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_accelerator_logs=false
+ # Detailed break/place event logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_break_place_logs=false
+ # Detailed breathing logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_breathing_logs=false
+ # Detailed building logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_building_logs=false
+ # Detailed camera logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_camera_logs=false
+ # Detailed chunk data logs to help debug the mod.
+ B:enable_chunk_handler_logs=false
+ # Chunk loading logs, enable it to report chunk loaders updates
+ B:enable_chunk_loading_logs=true
+ # Detailed collection logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_collection_logs=false
+ # Dictionary logs, enable it to dump blocks hardness and blast resistance at boot
+ B:enable_dictionary_logs=false
+ # Detailed energy logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_energy_logs=false
+ # EntityFX logs, enable it to dump entityFX registry updates
+ B:enable_entity_fx_logs=false
+ # Report in logs when a chunk is reloaded shortly after being unloaded, usually associated with server lag.
+ B:enable_experimental_chunk_reloading_logs=false
+ # Detailed force field logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_force_field_logs=false
+ # ForceField registry logs, enable it to dump force field registry updates
+ B:enable_force_field_registry_logs=false
+ # GlobalRegion registry logs, enable it to dump global region registry updates
+ B:enable_global_region_registry_logs=false
+ # Gravity logs, enable it before reporting fall damage and related issues
+ B:enable_gravity_logs=false
+ # Basic jump logs, should always be enabled
+ B:enable_jump_logs=true
+ # Detailed jump logs to help debug the mod, will spam your logs...
+ B:enable_jumpblocks_logs=false
+ # Offline avatar logs, enable it before reporting related issues
+ B:enable_offline_avatar_logs=true
+ # Profiling logs for CPU time, enable it to check for lag
+ B:enable_profiling_CPU_time=true
+ # Profiling logs for memory allocation, enable it to check for lag
+ B:enable_profiling_memory_allocation=false
+ # Profiling logs for multi-threading, enable it to check for ConcurrentModificationException
+ B:enable_profiling_thread_safety=false
+ # Detailed radar logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_radar_logs=false
+ # Detailed rendering logs to help debug the mod.
+ B:enable_rendering_logs=false
+ # Detailed transporter logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_transporter_logs=false
+ # Detailed weapon logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_weapon_logs=false
+ # Detailed world generation logs to help debug the mod, enable it before reporting a bug
+ B:enable_world_generation_logs=false
+ # How many milliseconds to wait before logging another occurrence in a time sensitive section of the mod (rendering, events, etc.)
+ D:throttle_ms=5000.0
+mining_laser {
+ # Maximum number of laser mediums
+ I:max_mediums_count=3
+ # Mining duration per scanned block
+ I:mine_delay_ticks=3
+ # Energy cost per block on a planet with atmosphere
+ I:mine_energy_per_block_in_atmosphere=2500
+ # Energy cost per block in space or a planet without atmosphere
+ I:mine_energy_per_block_in_void=1500
+ # Energy cost multiplier per block when mining only ores
+ D:mine_ores_only_energy_factor=15.0
+ # Energy cost multiplier per block when mining with silktouch
+ D:mine_silktouch_energy_factor=1.5
+ # Mining radius without any laser medium, measured in blocks
+ I:radius_no_laser_medium=4
+ # Bonus to mining radius per laser medium, measured in blocks
+ I:radius_per_laser_medium=1
+ # Scan duration per layer
+ I:scan_delay_ticks=20
+ # Energy cost per layer on a planet with atmosphere
+ I:scan_energy_per_layer_in_atmosphere=30000
+ # Energy cost per layer in space or a planet without atmosphere
+ I:scan_energy_per_layer_in_void=20000
+ # Warmup duration (buffer on startup when energy source is weak)
+ I:warmup_delay_ticks=20
+offline_avatar {
+ # Should avatar name tag always be visible?
+ B:always_render_name_tag=false
+ # Only create an offline avatar when player disconnects while inside a ship. Disabling may cause lag in spawn areas...
+ B:create_only_aboard_ships=true
+ # Delay before removing an avatar when their related player is in range (measured in seconds)
+ I:delay_for_removal_s=1
+ # Enable creation of offline avatars to follow ship movements. This only disable creating new ones.
+ B:enable=true
+ # Enable to forget current avatar position when it's killed, or disable player teleportation to last known avatar's position
+ B:forget_on_death=false
+ # Maximum range between a player and his/her avatar to consider it for removal
+ D:max_range_for_removal=5.0
+ # Minimum range between a player and their avatar to consider it for removal (i.e. ensuring connection was successful)
+ D:min_range_for_removal=1.0
+ # Scale of offline avatar compared to a normal player
+ D:model_scale=0.5
+radar {
+ # energy cost factors {a, b, c, d}. You need to provide exactly 4 values.
+ # The equation used is a + b * radius + c * radius^2 + d * radius^3
+ D:factors_energy_cost <
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 1.0E-4
+ >
+ # maximum energy stored
+ I:max_energy_stored=100000000
+ # number of isolation blocks required to reach maximum effect (5 to 94)
+ I:max_isolation_blocks=16
+ # isolation effect achieved with max number of isolation blocks (0.01 to 1.00)
+ D:max_isolation_effect=1.0
+ # radius around core where isolation blocks count (2 to 8), higher is lagger
+ I:max_isolation_range=2
+ # minimum energy cost per scan (0+), independently of radius
+ I:min_energy_cost=10000
+ # number of isolation blocks required to get some isolation (0 to 20)
+ I:min_isolation_blocks=2
+ # isolation effect achieved with min number of isolation blocks (0.01 to 0.95)
+ D:min_isolation_effect=0.12
+ # scan delay factors {a, b, c, d}. You need to provide exactly 4 values.
+ # The equation used is a + b * radius + c * radius^2 + d * radius^3, (measured in seconds)
+ D:scan_delay_factors_seconds <
+ 1.0
+ 0.001
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # minimum scan delay per scan (1+), (measured in seconds)
+ I:scan_min_delay_seconds=1
+ship {
+ # Tolerance in block in case of collision before causing damages...
+ I:collision_tolerance_blocks=3
+ # Maximum ship mass (in blocks) for a given tier
+ I:mass_max_by_tier <
+ 2000000
+ 3456
+ 13824
+ 110592
+ >
+ # Minimum ship mass (in blocks) for a given tier
+ I:mass_min_by_tier <
+ 0
+ 64
+ 1728
+ 6912
+ >
+ # List of player names which have unlimited block counts to their ship
+ S:mass_unlimited_player_names <
+ notch
+ someone
+ >
+ # Maximum energy stored for a given tier
+ I:max_energy_stored_by_tier <
+ 0
+ 500000
+ 10000000
+ 100000000
+ >
+ # Maximum ship size on each axis in blocks, for a given tier
+ I:size_max_per_side_by_tier <
+ 127
+ 24
+ 48
+ 96
+ >
+ # Maximum ship mass (in blocks) to jump on a planet
+ I:volume_max_on_planet_surface=3000
+ # Minimum ship mass (in blocks) to enter or exit hyperspace without a jumpgate
+ I:volume_min_for_hyperspace=4000
+ # Ship volume won't be refreshed unless it's older than that many seconds
+ I:volume_scan_age_tolerance=120
+ # Number of blocks to scan per tick when getting ship bounds, too high will cause lag spikes when resizing a ship
+ I:volume_scan_blocks_per_tick=1000
+ # Random variation added to warm-up (measured in ticks)
+ I:warmup_random_ticks=60
+ship_movement_costs {
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping activating a jumpgate.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:gate_activating_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 20.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units activating a jumpgate.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:gate_activating_energyRequired_factors <
+ 20000.0
+ 10.0
+ 100.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks activating a jumpgate.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:gate_activating_max_jump_distance <
+ 100000.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds activating a jumpgate.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:gate_activating_sickness_seconds <
+ 3.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump activating a jumpgate.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:gate_activating_warmup_seconds <
+ 10.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping entering hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_entering_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 60.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units entering hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_entering_energyRequired_factors <
+ 1.0E7
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks entering hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_entering_max_jump_distance <
+ 100.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds entering hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_entering_sickness_seconds <
+ 10.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump entering hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_entering_warmup_seconds <
+ 40.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping existing hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_exiting_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 60.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units existing hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_exiting_energyRequired_factors <
+ 1.0E7
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks existing hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_exiting_max_jump_distance <
+ 100.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds existing hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_exiting_sickness_seconds <
+ 10.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump existing hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_exiting_warmup_seconds <
+ 40.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping moving in hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_moving_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 30.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units moving in hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_moving_energyRequired_factors <
+ 10000.0
+ 1.0
+ 10.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks moving in hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_moving_max_jump_distance <
+ 200.0
+ 0.5
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds moving in hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_moving_sickness_seconds <
+ 10.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump moving in hyperspace.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:hyperspace_moving_warmup_seconds <
+ 20.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping landing on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_landing_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 60.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units landing on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_landing_energyRequired_factors <
+ 10000.0
+ 10.0
+ 100.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks landing on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_landing_max_jump_distance <
+ 50.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds landing on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_landing_sickness_seconds <
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump landing on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_landing_warmup_seconds <
+ 20.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping moving on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_moving_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 40.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units moving on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_moving_energyRequired_factors <
+ 100.0
+ 10.0
+ 100.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks moving on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_moving_max_jump_distance <
+ 50.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds moving on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_moving_sickness_seconds <
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump moving on a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_moving_warmup_seconds <
+ 20.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping taking off a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_takeoff_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 90.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units taking off a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_takeoff_energyRequired_factors <
+ 10000.0
+ 10.0
+ 100.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks taking off a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_takeoff_max_jump_distance <
+ 50.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds taking off a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_takeoff_sickness_seconds <
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump taking off a planet.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:planet_takeoff_warmup_seconds <
+ 20.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Cooldown seconds to wait after jumping moving in space.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:space_moving_cooldown_interval_seconds <
+ 30.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # energy required measured in internal units moving in space.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:space_moving_energyRequired_factors <
+ 1000.0
+ 10.0
+ 100.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Maximum jump length value in blocks moving in space.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:space_moving_max_jump_distance <
+ 100.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Motion sickness duration measured in seconds moving in space.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:space_moving_sickness_seconds <
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ # Warmup seconds to wait before starting jump moving in space.
+ # You need to provide exactly 5 values < A B C D E >. The equation used is A + B * mass + C * distance + D * ln( mass ) * exp( distance / E )
+ # Result is rounded up to an integer. Use 0 to ignore that part of the equation.
+ D:space_moving_warmup_seconds <
+ 10.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >
+ship_scanner {
+ # Deployment speed, measured in blocks (1-3000)
+ I:deploy_blocks_per_interval=10
+ # Delay between deployment of 2 sets of blocks, measured in ticks (1-60)
+ I:deploy_interval_ticks=4
+ # Max distance from ship scanner to ship core, measured in blocks (5-150)
+ I:max_deploy_radius_blocks=100
+ # Scanning speed, measured in blocks (1-5000)
+ I:scan_blocks_per_second=10
+ # Max distance from ship scanner to ship core, measured in blocks (5-150)
+ I:search_interval_ticks=20
+tooltip {
+ # When to show armor points in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_armor_points=NEVER
+ # When to show block material in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_block_material=ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS
+ # When to show burn time in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_burn_time=ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS
+ # When to show durability in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_durability=ALWAYS
+ # When to show armor & tool enchantability in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_enchantability=ON_SNEAK
+ # When to show entity id in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_entity_id=ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS
+ # When to show flammability in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_flammability=ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS
+ # When to show fluid stats in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_fluid_stats=ALWAYS
+ # When to show hardness & explosion resistance in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_hardness=ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS
+ # When to show harvesting stats in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_harvesting_stats=ALWAYS
+ # When to show opacity in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ # When to show ore dictionary names in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_ore_dictionary_name=ALWAYS
+ # When to show registry name in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_registry_name=ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS
+ # When to show repair material in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:add_repair_material=ON_SNEAK
+ # List of lines to remove from tooltips before adding ours. This can be a partial match in a line. Must be lowercase without formatting.
+ S:cleanup_list <
+ fuel details
+ burn time
+ durability
+ >
+ # When to remove duplicate lines in tooltips. Valid values are NEVER, ON_SNEAK, ADVANCED_TOOLTIPS, CREATIVE_ONLY, ALWAYS.
+ S:enable_deduplication=ALWAYS
+transporter {
+ # Maximum energy stored
+ I:max_energy_stored=1000000
+tree_farm {
+ # Maximum number of laser mediums
+ I:max_mediums_count=5
+ # Maximum scan radius without any laser medium, on X and Z axis, measured in blocks
+ I:max_radius_no_laser_medium=3
+ # Bonus to maximum scan radius per laser medium, on X and Z axis, measured in blocks
+ I:max_radius_per_laser_medium=2
+ # Maximum reach distance of the laser without any laser medium, measured in blocks
+ I:max_reach_distance_no_laser_medium=8
+ # Bonus to maximum reach distance per laser medium, measured in blocks
+ I:max_reach_distance_per_laser_medium=6
diff --git a/packs/142/pack-lock.ini b/packs/142/pack-lock.ini
index f9085c5..59f7b0f 100644
--- a/packs/142/pack-lock.ini
+++ b/packs/142/pack-lock.ini
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-pack_version = 3
-config_files = tconstruct.cfg
+pack_version = 4
+config_files = tconstruct.cfg,AppliedEnergistics2/AppliedEnergistics2.cfg,warpdrive/config.yml
ae2 = e5c3c11eafc5daf73652a2dabe855e3759caa8b5,https://media.forgecdn.net/files/2747/63/appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7.jar