* =====================================================================================
* Filename: hash.c
* Description: Implementation of a basic hashmap
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 12/09/2022 07:24:38 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: YOUR NAME (), * Organization:
* =====================================================================================
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "hash.h"
#include "clog.h"
* We're defining the structs inside the .c file because really no one should be
* messing around with the internals except through the exported functions
typedef struct _map_element {
int key;
int is_used;
any_type value;
} map_element;
typedef struct _map {
int max_size;
int cur_size;
map_element* data;
} map;
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: map_init
* Description: Initializes a new hashmap
* =====================================================================================
hash_map map_init () {
map* m = (map*) malloc(sizeof(map));
m->data = (map_element*) calloc(512, sizeof(map_element));
m->max_size = 512;
m->cur_size = 0;
return m;
} /* ----- end of function map_init ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: hash_int
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
unsigned int hash_int (map* ma, unsigned int key) {
* This is a pretty basic hashing function, basically we're still using
* modulo but in such a way that collisions are less likely than if we just
* used it raw.
* The advantage of this is that it doesn't matter the max size of the
* hashmap, it doesn't have to be sufficiently removed from a power of 2
* See: Hashing by Multiplication here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table#Hash_function
return fmodf(floor(ma->max_size * (key * fmodf(0.3, 1.0))), ma->max_size);
} /* ----- end of function hash_int ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: hash_get_idx
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
int hash_get_idx (hash_map* m, int key) {
int c;
map* ma = (map*) m;
if (ma->cur_size == ma->max_size) {
// Hash map is full, we need to exit now
return -2;
c = hash_int(ma, key); /* This is the theoretically ideal hash index */
* Pretty basic collision resolution. Needs to be able to resolve them
for(int i = 0; i < ma->max_size; i++) {
if (ma->data[c].is_used == 0) {
* This index isn't being used, we can return it
return c;
if (ma->data[c].key == key && ma->data[c].is_used == 1) {
* This index is being used, but by this key, so we can return it
return c;
* This index is being used but not by this key. Increment the index
* modulo the map size and try again
c = (c + 1) % ma->max_size;
return -2;
} /* ----- end of function hash_get_idx ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: map_resize
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
int map_resize(hash_map in) {
int i;
int old_size;
map_element* cur;
/* New elements! */
map *m = (map*) in;
map_element* tmp = (map_element*) calloc(2 * m->max_size, sizeof(map_element));
if (!tmp) return 4; /* We're out of memory! */
cur = m->data;
m->data = tmp;
old_size = m->max_size;
m->max_size = 2 * old_size;
m->cur_size = 0;
/* Rehash */
for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
int status = map_add(m, cur[i].key, cur[i].value);
if (status != 0) {
return status;
return 0;
} /* ----- end of function map_resize ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: map_add
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
int map_add(hash_map m, int key, any_type val) {
map* ma = (map*) m;
int h = hash_get_idx(m, key);
while (h == -2) {
if (map_resize(m) == 4) {
return 4;
h = hash_get_idx(m, key);
ma->data[h].value = val;
ma->data[h].key = key;
ma->data[h].is_used = 1;
return 0;
} /* ----- end of function map_add ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: map_get
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
int map_get (hash_map m, int key, any_type* val) {
map* ma = (map*) m;
int h = hash_get_idx(m, key);
if (ma->data[h].is_used == 1 && ma->data[h].key == key) {
*val = ma->data[h].value;
return 0;
return -3;
} /* ----- end of function map_get ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: map_del
* Description:
* =====================================================================================
int map_del (hash_map m, int key) {
map* ma = (map*) m;
int h = hash_get_idx(m, key);
if (ma->data[h].is_used == 1 && ma->data[h].key == key) {
ma->data[h].is_used = 0;
ma->data[h].key = 0;
return 0;
} /* ----- end of function map_del ----- */
*map_free cleans up the memory used by a hashmap
void map_free(hash_map m) {
map* ma = (map*) m;
*map_len returns the current length of the hashmap
int map_len(hash_map m) {
map* ma = (map*) m;
return ma->cur_size;