--- title: "New Site Part 2: Electric Boogaloo" date: 2022-02-02 --- Hey y'all! You've probably noticed quite a few things that are different about this site. First and foremost, the theme. Gone is the harsh black-on-white theme that was hell on the eyes, especially in a projection booth. I'm rather partial to the [gruvbox] color scheme, so I figured taking the dark theme and applying it to my site as well as my editor would be a good idea. I've also overhauled the backend. This site is now running a `warp.rs` server on the backend. The source can be found [here][src]. This has led to some interesting issues. By far the biggest one was footnotes[^1]. I'm using [comrak] as my markdown parsing library, which correctly implements the CommonMark spec. Footnotes are, unfortunately, not part of that spec, so they're an extension, along with superscript and a few others. Since footnotes are displayed in superscript, I thought that both extensions had to be enabled. This led to quite a long month of not being able to figure out why my footnotes weren't being parsed correctly, but as it turns out it was these two extensions fighting. [^1]: Hey, you found one! [gruvbox]: https://github.com/mohertz/gruvbox [src]: https://git.carathe.dev/~muirrum/site [comrak]: https://github.com/kivikakk/comrak