use std::{time::Duration, str::FromStr}; use crate::{Context, Error}; use poise::serenity_prelude::{self as serenity, ReactionType, Emoji, ArgumentConvert}; use ::serenity::framework::standard::{Args, Delimiter}; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] async fn allowed_to_create_roles(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result { if == 118455061222260736u64 { Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] async fn allowed_to_create_roles(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result { if let Some(guild) = ctx.guild() { if guild.owner_id == { Ok(true) } else { let member = guild.member(ctx.discord(),; let member_permissions = member.permissions(ctx.discord())?; Ok(member_permissions.manage_roles()) } } else { Ok(false) } } /// Manages reaction role menus /// /// Subcommands: /// - init /// - add /// - remove #[poise::command(prefix_command, ephemeral, check="allowed_to_create_roles")] pub async fn rroles(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { ctx.say("Maybe you meant to request help for this? Try `/help rroles`").await?; Ok(()) } /// Initializes a reaction role menu in the given channel /// /// Usage: /// rroles init <#channel> /// Example: /// rroles init #get-roles #[poise::command(prefix_command, ephemeral, check="allowed_to_create_roles")] pub async fn init(ctx: Context<'_>, #[description = "The channel to create a new role menu in"] channel: serenity::ChannelId) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut rolemenu_msg = channel.send_message(ctx.discord(), |m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title("Reaction Role Menu"); e.description("I haven't been initialized yet! Hold on just a second"); e }); m }).await?; let mut menu = ctx.send(|m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title("Reaction Role Setup"); e.description("Welcome to the setup menu! I'm going to help guide you through setting up your reaction roles.\n\nFirst, what should the title of your menu?"); e }); m }).await?.unwrap().message().await?; if let Some(title) = { rolemenu_msg.edit(ctx.discord(), |m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title(title.content.clone()); e }); m }).await?; menu.edit(ctx.discord(), |m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title("Reaction Role Setup"); e.description(format!("Great! I've set the title of your menu to `{}`.\n\nNext, let's add some roles! Reply to this message with a list of role names and reactions, like this:\n\n:female_sign::She/Her,:male_sign::He/Him", title.content.clone())); e }); m }).await?; } else { ctx.say("No response within 10 seconds").await?; return Ok(()); } { let pool =; if let Some(roles) = { let mut args = Args::new(&roles.content, &[Delimiter::Single(',')]); let mut rolelist_formatted = String::from("Choose the appropriate reaction to gain the role!\n"); for a in args.iter::() { if let Ok(tuple) = a { let split_str: Vec<&str> = tuple.split(':').collect(); let reaction = ReactionType::from_str(split_str[0])?; let role_name = split_str[1]; if let Some(role) = ctx.guild().unwrap().role_by_name(role_name) { sqlx::query!("INSERT INTO reaction_roles (channel_id, message_id, guild_id, reaction, role_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)", rolemenu_msg.channel_id.0.to_string(),, ctx.guild_id().unwrap().0.to_string(), reaction.to_string(),; rolemenu_msg.react(ctx.discord(), reaction.clone()).await?; rolelist_formatted.push_str(&format!("{} - <@&{}>\n", get_reactiontype_display(&reaction),; } else { ctx.say(format!("Invalid role provided: {}", role_name)).await?; return Ok(()); } } } let title = rolemenu_msg.clone().embeds[0].title.clone().unwrap_or("Reaction Role Menu".to_string()); rolemenu_msg.edit(ctx.discord(), |m| { m.embed(|e| { e.title(title); e.description(rolelist_formatted); e }); m }).await?; } else { ctx.say("No response within 30 seconds").await?; return Ok(()); } } Ok(()) } fn get_reactiontype_display(rt: &ReactionType) -> String { match rt { ReactionType::Unicode(emote) => emote.clone(), ReactionType::Custom { id, name, .. } => { if let Some(name) = name { format!("<:{}:{}>", name, id) } else { format!("<{}>", id) } }, _ => String::new(), } }