* =====================================================================================
* Filename: mmanager.cpp
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 03/30/2023 11:30:55 AM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Cara Salter (muirrum), cara@devcara.com
* Organization: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
* =====================================================================================
#include <dpp/message.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <142bot/modules.hpp>
#include <142bot/util.hpp>
#include <pcre.h>
#include <dpp/dpp.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
using namespace fmt;
class MManagerModule : public Module
double microseconds_ping;
MManagerModule(Bot *creator, ModuleLoader *ml) : Module(creator, ml)
ml->attach({I_OnMessage, I_OnReady}, this);
creator->core->log(dpp::ll_info, "ModuleManager online!");
virtual std::string version()
return "0.1.0";
virtual std::string description()
return "module manager";
virtual bool OnReady(const dpp::ready_t &ready)
bot->core->log(dpp::ll_info, "Got ready event");
return true;
virtual bool OnMessage(const dpp::message_create_t &message, const std::string &clean_message, bool mentioned, const std::vector<std::string> &stringmentions)
sentry_set_tag("module", "mmanager");
std::vector<std::string> param;
const char *pcre_error;
int pcre_error_ofs;
auto comp = pcre_compile(std::string("^sudo(\\s+(.+?))$").c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS | PCRE_MULTILINE, &pcre_error, &pcre_error_ofs, NULL);
if (!comp)
bot->core->log(dpp::ll_error, pcre_error);
int matcharr[90];
int matchcount = pcre_exec(comp, NULL, clean_message.c_str(), clean_message.length(), 0, 0, matcharr, 90);
for (int i = 0; i < matchcount; ++i)
param.push_back(std::string(clean_message.c_str() + matcharr[2 * i], (size_t)(matcharr[2 * i + 1] - matcharr[2 * i])));
if (mentioned && matchcount > 0)
if (message.msg.author.id == bot->get_owner_id())
// Tokenize
for (int i = 0; i < param.size(); i++)
bot->core->log(dpp::ll_debug, fmt::format("{}", param[i]));
std::stringstream tokens(trim(param[2]));
std::string subcommand;
tokens >> subcommand;
bot->core->log(dpp::ll_warning, fmt::format("SUDO: <{}> {}", message.msg.author.username, clean_message));
sentry_value_t crumb = sentry_value_new_breadcrumb("user", "got sudo command");
sentry_value_set_by_key(crumb, "level", sentry_value_new_string("warning"));
sentry_value_set_by_key(crumb, "category", sentry_value_new_string("sudo"));
sentry_value_set_by_key(crumb, "data", sentry_value_new_string(subcommand.c_str()));
if (lowercase(subcommand) == "modules")
std::stringstream s;
// NOTE: GetModuleList's reference is safe from within a module event
const ModuleMap &modlist = bot->loader->get_loaded_modules();
s << "```diff" << std::endl;
s << fmt::format("╭─────────────────────────┬───────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────╮") << std::endl;
s << fmt::format("│ Filename | Version | Description |") << std::endl;
s << fmt::format("├─────────────────────────┼───────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤") << std::endl;
for (auto mod = modlist.begin(); mod != modlist.end(); ++mod)
s << fmt::format("│ {:23} | {:9} | {:46} |", mod->first, mod->second->version(), mod->second->description()) << std::endl;
s << fmt::format("╰─────────────────────────┴───────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────╯") << std::endl;
s << "```";
dpp::channel *c = dpp::find_channel(message.msg.channel_id);
if (c)
bot->core->message_create(dpp::message(c->id, s.str()));
else if (lowercase(subcommand) == "load")
std::string modfile;
tokens >> modfile;
if (bot->loader->load(modfile))
EmbedSimple("Loaded module: " + modfile, message.msg.channel_id);
EmbedSimple(std::string("Can't do that, check server logs"), message.msg.channel_id);
else if (lowercase(subcommand) == "unload")
std::string modfile;
tokens >> modfile;
if (modfile == "module_mmanager.so")
EmbedSimple("That's the module manager, are you sure about that chief?", message.msg.channel_id);
if (bot->loader->unload(modfile))
EmbedSimple("Unloaded module: " + modfile, message.msg.channel_id);
EmbedSimple("Can't do that, check server logs.", message.msg.channel_id);
else if (lowercase(subcommand) == "reload")
std::string modfile;
tokens >> modfile;
if (modfile == "module_mmanager.so")
EmbedSimple("That's the module manager, are you sure about that chief?", message.msg.channel_id);
if (bot->loader->reload(modfile))
EmbedSimple("Reloaded module: " + modfile, message.msg.channel_id);
EmbedSimple("Can't do that, check server logs", message.msg.channel_id);
else if (lowercase(subcommand) == "ping")
dpp::channel *c = dpp::find_channel(message.msg.channel_id);
if (c)
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
dpp::snowflake cid = message.msg.channel_id;
bot->core->message_create(dpp::message(message.msg.channel_id, "Pinging..."), [cid, this, start_time](const dpp::confirmation_callback_t &state)
double microseconds_ping = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time).count();
dpp::snowflake mid = (std::get<dpp::message>(state.value)).id;
this->bot->core->message_delete(mid, cid);
this->EmbedSimple(fmt::format("**Pong!** REST Response time: {:.3f} ms", microseconds_ping / 1000, 4), cid); });
else if (lowercase(subcommand) == "restart")
EmbedSimple("Restarting...", message.msg.channel_id);
else if (lowercase(subcommand) == "sql")
std::string sql;
std::getline(tokens, sql);
sql = trim(sql);
// Create transaction
pqxx::work tx(bot->conn);
auto res = tx.exec(sql);
std::stringstream w;
dpp::message msg = message.msg;
if (res.affected_rows() == 0)
EmbedSimple("Successfully executed, no rows returned.", msg.channel_id);
auto rs = res.iter();
w << "- " << sql << std::endl;
auto check = rs.begin();
w << "+ Rows Returned: " << res.size() << std::endl;
for (auto name = rs.begin(); name != rs.end(); ++name)
if (name == rs.begin())
w << " ╭";
w << "────────────────────";
check = name;
w << (++check != rs.end() ? "┬" : "╮\n");
w << " ";
for (auto name = rs.begin(); name != rs.end(); ++name)
// w << fmt::format("│{:20}", name);
w << "│" << std::endl;
for (auto name = rs.begin(); name != rs.end(); ++name)
if (name == rs.begin())
w << " ├";
w << "────────────────────";
check = name;
w << (++check != rs.end() ? "┼" : "┤\n");
for (auto row : res)
if (w.str().length() < 1900)
w << " ";
for (auto field : row)
w << fmt::format("│{:20}", field.as<std::string>().substr(0, 20));
w << "│" << std::endl;
for (auto name = rs.begin(); name != rs.end(); ++name)
if (name == rs.begin())
w << " ╰";
w << "────────────────────";
check = name;
w << (++check != rs.end() ? "┴" : "╯\n");
dpp::channel *c = dpp::find_channel(msg.channel_id);
if (c)
bot->core->message_create(dpp::message(msg.channel_id, "```diff\n" + w.str() + "```"));
EmbedSimple("Command not found.", message.msg.channel_id);
bot->core->log(dpp::ll_error, fmt::format("Called ModuleManager as a mortal ({})", bot->get_owner_id()));
return true;